Djurgårdsbrunnsvägen 34
115 27 Stockholm
Plats: Ny lokal är Etnografiska museet, Djurgårdsvägen 34. Ta buss 69 från Sergels torg/T-centralen eller Nybroplan till hållplats Museiparken.
We call you to a conference focused on biodiversity in northern cities – assessing biodiversity and the potential to strengthen it and how to go about it.
Final Call Konferens 5-7 oktober CITIES FOR BIODIVERSITY Nordic and Baltic Cities as providers and promoters of global biodiversity
Please observe new venue: Etnografiska museet, Djurgårdsvägen 34, bus 69 from Sergels torg/T-centralen or Nybroplan, bus stop Museiparken.
The conference is supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers and arranged by Ekoparken Association in cooperation with World Wildlife Foundation in Sweden and the Swedish Museum of Natural History.
Research supports the contention that cities are harbors for many species. What responsibility do we have to save and strengthen the biodiversity of our urban areas?
The aim of the conference is to learn and exchange experiences from Nordic and Baltic cities that have adopted strategies for biodiversity. This is done against a background of scientific knowledge.
Read the whole program and sign up for the conference
5th of October: What do we know about biodiversity in cities?

The first day explores the scientific knowledge about biodiversity in cities. What potential is there to promote biodiversity in big cities? What is cities’ contribution to biodiversity? What co-benefits and conflicts with other values in cities are there? How to evaluate urban ecosystems? What can be done in built up, hard-surface areas to pro- mote biodiversity? What changes of behavior are needed – residents, businesses, planners, and politicians?
Are the United Nations and European Union programs for biodiversity relevant for cities? How are international conventions and national legal regulations implemented?
6th of October: Experiences from Nordic and Baltic cities in promoting biodiversity
The second day is devoted to examples and good practices of green urban planning.
Topics for the day are strategies for biodiversity, mainstreaming of green infrastructure in regional and city planning, nature based solutions, pollinating friendly measures in built up areas, the role of trees, aquatic biodiversity, capitalizing on co-benefits and solving conflicts with other values.
This is done with the help of city planners, urban ecologists and politicians from Copenhagen, Oslo, Reykjavik, Helsinki, Stockholm and other cities.
7th of October: Excursion
Visits to projects aiming at increasing biodiversity in the Royal National City Park and other parts of the Stockholm region.